Canada Green Corps
Science and Technology Internship Programme

In partnership with Natural Resources Canada, CGC-STIP is dedicated to creating and providing quality green employment opportunities for youth in the natural resource sector by offering up to 75% wage subsidies to employers across Canada.
These green jobs should create positive environmental outcomes and have a strong tie to one of the natural resources sectors: energy, forestry, mining and earth sciences.
Proudly Sponsored By

Breaking Barriers
In order to reflect Canada’s rich diversity, CGC-STIP partners with employers interested in hiring youth who identify as:
Youth Furthest From Employment (YFE):
Living in Northern Territories
Yukon, Northwest Territories or Nunavut
Living in Remote Communities
Permanent or long-term settlement with at least 10 dwellings that does not have year-round road access
Living with Disabilities
Youth from Employment Equity Groups (YEE)
Racialized Youth
There are no minimum educational requirements.

Participant Eligibility
Be 15-30 years of age (inclusive at the start of the placement)
Legal Status:
Must be either Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or have Refugee Status
Legally able to work in Canada and according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations
Employment Status:
Full-time employment (30 hours/week minimum)- some exceptions may apply.
New hires after April 1st, 2025
Summer jobs, co-op placements and temporary contracts are not eligible

Programme Overview
Up to 75% wage subsidies for all types of positions in Natural Resources
Last day of placement funding is January 31st, 2026
Exceptions may apply
Funding is available on an extremely limited basis
Priority will be given to employers interested in hiring YFEs or YEEs
No deadline to apply. However, placement funding is subject to availability.

Eligible Natural Resources Sector and Sub-Sectors

Energy Sector
Clean Energy Technologies
Transmission, Smart Grid & Energy Storage
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Switching
Sustainable Development of Non-Renewable Resources

Mining, Minerals, & Metals Sector
Prospecting & Exploration
Construction & Development
Extraction & Milling
Manufacturing & Processing
Reclamation, Closure, Care & Maintenance
Mining Supply & Services
Critical Minerals

Forest Sector
Forestry & Support Activities
Ecology & Management
Non-Traditional Forest-Based Bioeconomy Products Manufacturing
Solid Wood Product Manufacturing
Pulp & Paper Product Manufacturing

Earth Sciences & Support Sector
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Protection
Geomatics & Earth Observation
Natural Hazard Risk Analysis and Prevention
Sustainable Development
Climate Change Adaptation
Participant Feedback
Reflections Video

Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Simplecast