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Global Citizen Highlight- Muriel Smith

As United Nations Association In Canada celebrates our 75th anniversary and United Nations 75th Anniversary, we are beyond thrilled to begin our new Global Citizen Highlights! UNA-Canada will be highlighting Canadian individuals whose contributions to their neighbourhood, community, country, have helped break barriers and shape a better life for someone or for Canada or for the world!

As a way to honour and celebrate her 90th birthday, UNA-Canada is pleased to highlight our first Global Citizen Muriel Smith! Muriel has been, and remains a vital part of our UNA-Canada Global Citizen family for years - active in our Winnipeg Branch; a mentor and governance leader with our National Board (including service as our National Chair from 1996-1999); an engaged member of civil society delegations to several major UN Conferences (including on the Environment & Development in RIO/1992, Human Rights in Geneva/1993 and on Women in Beijing/1995), and of course, so often as an advocate for gender equity as an elected official and to the annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and in everything she does!

Muriel has always challenged UNA-Canada to be the best we can as we interact with civil society. She has lead by example as an educator, an activist for human rights in general and women’s rights in particular, as a dedicated - and successful - politician and as a great civil society leader and motivator. If Winnipeg and Manitoba are her home, her reach and powerful, positive influence, has encompassed Canada as a whole and the larger global community. That active engagement has never ceased. UNA-Canada is deeply grateful for Muriel’s contribution and is excited to highlight her as a Global Citizen. (Muriel turns 90 years old today!)

For a 25$ donation, you or someone you know can nominate a special individual in your community to receive a virtual Global Citizen recognition and certificate! What does a Global Citizen mean to you? Maybe it’s someone who has broken barriers and shattered the glass ceiling…Maybe it’s someone who has taught you solidarity and active allyship… Maybe it’s someone who has quietly brought you comfort, peace and support during hardships…Maybe, it’s someone who has changed the world you live in! No action is too big or too small for someone to be a Global Citizen!

Please contact with both your and your nominee's contact information and email address along with the reason you would like them to be acknowledged as a UNA-Canada Global Citizen! UNA-Canada will be sending certificates virtually and would love a photo of you with and your certificate so we can further highlight your achievement! #UN75 #GlobalCitizen

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