Orange Shirt Day

It is #OrangeShirtDay today. A day for each of us to take time to reflect on the importance of acknowledging the survivors of residential schools and to remember those who died in the school system. The catastrophic impacts continue to be felt across generations. It is a day to recognize one of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's recommendations for a "National Day to honour over a 150,000 survivors, their families and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process."
The annual Orange Shirt Day on September 30th opens the door to global conversation on all aspects of Residential Schools. It is an opportunity to create meaningful discussion about the effects of Residential Schools and the legacy they have left behind. This is a discussion all Canadians can tune in to and create bridges with each other for reconciliation. This is a day for survivors to be reaffirmed that they matter, and so to those that have been affected.
Today we honour the day by acknowledging the trauma and abuse inflicted on generations of First Nations, Inuit and Métis and commit to building a better future.
At UNA-Canada, the very important work we have recommitted to on equity, diversity and inclusion, builds on the important work that we have done over many years especially with young Canadians and are doing now through our programming under the guidance of the TRC recommendations are linked. Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, who coined the term 'intersectionality', asks us to see Orange Shirt Day as another vital opportunity to address system racism.
Let's show our orange shirts in support!